Heartburn (gastro-oesophageal reflux or indigestion) is very common. Most of us will experience heartburn at some point – whether it’s after a big meal, from undertaking strenuous activity too soon after eating, as a symptom of pregnancy, or from eating and drinking too much. Heartburn is also one of the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease.
Heartburn is caused by the contents of the stomach coming back up into the oesophagus (the ‘food pipe’), resulting in a burning sensation in the chest or throat. As the stomach contents are mixed with stomach acid, digestive enzymes and chemicals, the regurgitation or backwash causes a burning feeling. This is generally described by reflux sufferers as beginning in the stomach or lower chest and moving upwards behind the breastbone towards the neck or throat.
Persistent reflux that occurs more than twice a week is referred to as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), and can eventually lead to more serious health problems. People of all ages can have GORD, which is considered a chronic disease, like asthma or high blood pressure, and therefore ongoing treatment and management is usually necessary.
Three types of medicines are available in Australia to treat the symptoms of heartburn and reflux. Speak to your doctor or our pharmacists about the best medicine for you and your symptoms, particularly if are taking any medicines for other conditions. In the case of heartburn, antacids may have an effect on other medicines you may be taking.
If you only suffer from the occasional episode of heartburn, or your symptoms are mild, over-the-counter (OTC) antacids available at our pharmacy may provide symptomatic relief. Antacids act to relieve heartburn by neutralising stomach acid. These medicines are available as tablets or liquids, and should be taken when symptoms occur.
Talk to your doctor or our pharmacists if you are still experiencing heartburn or other reflux symptoms even when taking antacids, and mention that you are not getting any relief. They may be able to suggest an alternative medicine.
If you experience occasional, but regular, heartburn symptoms you may benefit from an H2-receptor antagonist. These medicines partially inhibit the secretion of acid in the stomach by blocking histamine receptors. Because less acid is being produced, you experience fewer symptoms. Some of these medicines are available without a prescription. Seek further advice from your doctor or our pharmacists if you are not getting relief from an H2-receptor antagonist when taking it as instructed.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) reduce stomach acid by blocking acid-secreting cells. They provide more effective acid suppression than H2-receptor antagonists – relieving symptoms and allowing inflammation on the oesophagus to heal. Some PPIs can be purchased from a pharmacy OTC for short-term use, but most are only available on prescription.
No herbal remedies or supplements have yet been proven to effectively relieve the symptoms of heartburn, although many, such as ginger or apple cider vinegar, have been used for centuries. Check with your doctor or our pharmacists first if you are planning on taking any of these, as these complementary and alternative medicines may interfere with other medicines you are taking, or affect other aspects of your health.
For more information, you can get an excellent Fact Card titled Heartburn and indigestion from our Pharmacy.
Reproduced from PSA Health Column 10/12/14