Heart Health

Healthy heart, healthy life

The first step is to keep moving at any age and at any level of fitness.

The second step is to look at what we eat and to ensure we eat wisely.

The third step suggested is to keep track of our health measurements.

Finally, the fourth step is our mental approach and staying optimistic.

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Heart-healthy environments

A healthy heart is essential for healthy living. Heart attack and heart disease are the world’s biggest killers – over 17 million people each year die from cardiovascular disease.

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Think F.A.S.T and act Fast

A speedy reaction not only influences the treatment path for a person having a stroke but also their recovery. Most treatments for stroke are time sensitive so it is important to Think F.A.S.T. and Act FAST!

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Healthy Heart, Healthy Life

There are four simple steps that we can undertake to improve the health of our hearts.

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Take Heart

A healthy heart is essential for healthy living. Heart attack and heart disease are the world’s biggest killers – over 17 million people each year die from cardiovascular disease. Understanding warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack can be one of the most effective methods of preventing death from heart disease.

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Scientists say eating dark chocolate could help to ward off Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease

but it needs to have such intensity that a tablet is being developed for those who cannot stomach the sharp taste.

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Healthy Heart, Healthy Life

90% of Australians have at least one risk factor for heart disease.

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Help for the Heart

Risk factors for heart disease include smoking, diabetes, obesity, family history and age. By following a healthy lifestyle and taking medicines as prescribed, you can reduce your absolute risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

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I don't like Mondays

More people are diagnosed with serious heart conditions on Mondays than any other day of the week.

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Decrease in CVD deaths

Deaths from cardiovascular disease have seen the biggest drop in 15 years.

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Heart Disease

Heart disease is not only a disease for older men, it actually accounts for 25% of premature deaths in women.

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Cholesterol and Statins

There has been much ill informed discussion about cholesterol and statins in the press recently. NPS Medicinewise answers these frequently asked questions.

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Cholesterol and your heart and stroke risk

Find out your risk of stroke with an easy test.

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Statins and Heart Disease

Following on from the controversy caused by the ABC's Catalyst show, here are some facts from Australia's eminent Health Authority, The National Heart Foundation.

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Overweight customers in the Pharmacy

With the claim that WA has the greatest percentage of overweight 18-24 years olds in the country, and that they are becoming Generation XXL, it is timely to ask, what can Pharmacists do for our overweight customers.

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High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood against blood vessel walls. We all need some blood pressure, called normal blood pressure, to stay alive, but blood pressure that is higher than normal can be dangerous. A healthy lifestyle helps keep blood pressure normal and certain medicines can help treat high blood pressure.

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Measuring Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries as it is pumped around the body by the heart. High blood pressure (hypertension) usually does not have symptoms, but can lead to serious health problems. It is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. Healthy eating and lifestyle changes can help to control high blood pressure.

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