Food Allergies
The risk of developing food allergies is greater if you have a family history of allergic conditions. If you or your partner has an allergy, your child has a 30 per cent chance of inheriting the allergic gene and therefore could develop eczema, asthma, hay fever or a food allergy.
Should you go Gluten-Free
One in 10 adopt a gluten-free lifestyle unnecessarily
One in 10 adopt a gluten-free lifestyle unnecessarily
CSIRO developing wheat with cholesterol lowering qualities
Australian scientists are one step closer to developing a wheat variety that could be used to make cholesterol lowering bread.
Huge study finds gluten-free foods almost no different to regular products
Shoppers are paying higher prices for trendy gluten-free foods with little or no nutritional difference to regular products, health researchers warn.
More research hints at Chocolate's heart benefits
The researchers found that people who ate the most chocolate a day -- up to 3.5 ounces -- had a 14 percent lower risk of heart disease and a 23 percent lower risk of stroke than those who ate no chocolate.