Dry Skin and Eczema
Posted on 03 May 2017
Management of eczema can be difficult and your doctor or pharmacist can advise on the best treatment options. In addition, self-care strategies will assist to treat and avoid an eczema outbreak.
How does Keytruda treat melanoma and why is it so costly?
Posted on 24 April 2015
The results indicate that Keytruda® could be used as the first drug in the treatment of widespread melanoma.
Dry skin and eczema
Posted on 22 April 2015
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a recurring, non-infectious inflammatory skin condition affecting one in three Australians at some stage in their lives.
Eczema awareness
Posted on 03 May 2014
There is an 80% chance your children will suffer from eczema if both of you have eczema.