Health Articles

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Pink Ribbon Day

The Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon Day helps raises funds to support the many thousands of women affected by breast and gynaecological cancers and aims to minimise the threat of women's cancers through successful prevention, best treatment, support and world-class cancer research.

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From farm to Pharmacy: regulating medicinal cannabis in Australia

The legislative road to allow people medically certified as terminally ill and their carers to register to use cannabis for therapeutic purposes is a long and tortuous road ahead.

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Arthritis: What treatments work?

What treatments work best for arthritis?

Do you choose heavy duty painkillers or opt for glucosamine, chondroitin, exercise and weight loss?

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Phenylephrine ineffective in relieving nasal congestion

It is unlikely that phenylephrine is of much use in congestion from the common cold

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Let's show we care

According to the most current Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2012 survey of disability, ageing and carers, there were 2.7 million family and friend carers over the age of 15 years in Australia – 12% of the nation’s population.

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