Health Articles

We have searched our journals and the web to bring you articles that we think might be of interest to you.

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Reporting medicine side effects

There were over 16,500 medicine and vaccine adverse events reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in 2014, and over 4,000 medical device adverse events.

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Pneumonia Awareness Week

Pneumonia Awareness Week is designed to educate Australian adults to recognise the seriousness of pneumonia, and to ask their doctor how best to protect themselves from contracting pneumococcal pneumonia.

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High blood pressure (hypertension) increases your chance of developing heart disease, a stroke, blood vessel disease and other serious conditions. Generally, the higher the blood pressure, the greater the health risk. There are often no symptoms or signs of high blood pressure – you can have high blood pressure and feel well.

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Wellness and Stress

Over 72% of Australians reported that current stress was having at least some impact on their physical health, with almost 17% reporting that current stress levels were having a strong-to-very strong impact on their physical health.

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World Asthma Day

Asthma affects more than two million Australians. It cannot be cured, but can be well controlled with medicines and lifestyle.

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