Health Articles
We have searched our journals and the web to bring you articles that we think might be of interest to you.
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How does Keytruda treat melanoma and why is it so costly?
The results indicate that Keytruda® could be used as the first drug in the treatment of widespread melanoma.
Swallowing Pills? Children can learn how.
An estimated 10 to 20 percent of children will have problems swallowing pills, Bradford said, though some studies noted in this paper showed even higher percentages.
Dry skin and eczema
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a recurring, non-infectious inflammatory skin condition affecting one in three Australians at some stage in their lives.
Health check: are my memory lapses normal or could this be Alzheimer's disease?
The traditional view is that if you are younger than 65, with no impact on your daily routine on a regular basis, your memory lapses are not usually caused by Alzheimer’s disease.
Living with Parkinson's disease
According to Parkinson’s Australia the disease affects approximately one in three hundred people. Most people who get Parkinson's disease are in the age group of fifty or over.