Health Articles

We have searched our journals and the web to bring you articles that we think might be of interest to you.

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How antibiotic pollution of waterways creates superbugs

The problem is that up to 80% of an antibiotic dose passes straight through the body. So most of the antibiotics used in medical treatment or during animal production may end up in waste water.

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Grey Matter matters

Brain Awareness week turns 20 this year and runs from the 16th to the 22nd March.

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Should you go "gluten free"?

For the majority of the population, gluten has no effect on the body. For some people (approximately 1% of the Australian population) gluten can be harmful. Those people suffer from Coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity.

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Any exercise is good - but higher intensity exercise might be better

A study has found that brisk walking lowers blood sugar mores than a slow walk.

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Healthy Sleep Habits

A 2013 study of Australian sleep habits found that up to 35% of us experience sleep difficulties including lack of sleep, fatigue, and problems initiating or maintaining sleep.

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