Health Articles

We have searched our journals and the web to bring you articles that we think might be of interest to you.

If you are interested in any topic at all, please email us and we will try to find some updated research on it.

If you have any queries on anything you read in our health articles section, please email us or come in to discuss your query with any of our knowledgeable available Pharmacists.

Pink Ribbon Day

Breast and gynaecological cancers unfortunately touch everyone’s life in some way, either directly or through the experience of family and friends. The Cancer Council is asking everyone to unite in pink to help them beat women’s cancers.

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Let us show we care

Carers are a vital part of Australia’s health system, and are the foundation of our aged, disability, palliative and community care systems. The estimated replacement value of unpaid care provided in 2015 was $60.3 billion, which is more than $1 billion each week. It is estimated that in 2015 carers provided 1.9 billion hours of care.

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Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Week raises community awareness about mental health issues and is held in October each year to coincide with World Mental Health Day on 10 October. The 2016 Mental Health Week is being held from 8 to 15 October. The 2016 theme is Act-Belong-Commit with a focus on suicide prevention, ‘Together we can save lives’.

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Heart-healthy environments

A healthy heart is essential for healthy living. Heart attack and heart disease are the world’s biggest killers – over 17 million people each year die from cardiovascular disease.

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Pharmacists: Caring for you

This year’s theme was chosen to reflect the important role of pharmacists in providing care to the public, and also to highlight the emotional connection they have with their patients.

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