Health Articles

We have searched our journals and the web to bring you articles that we think might be of interest to you.

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Headache and Migraine

Headaches are very common. Almost everyone will experience headaches sometime during their lives. There are different types of headaches and it is possible to have more than one type of headache at the same time.

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Think F.A.S.T and act Fast

A speedy reaction not only influences the treatment path for a person having a stroke but also their recovery. Most treatments for stroke are time sensitive so it is important to Think F.A.S.T. and Act FAST!

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Hearing is precious and fragile

The Hearing Awareness Week website ( has identified a whole host of possible factors which are likely to cause damage to the ears – from jackhammers to jet skis, from fruit juicers to formula one racing – and describes the maximum safe exposure time without ear protection. Visit the website to find out ‘how loud is too loud’ with respect to your favourite electrical device or music event.

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Fertility factors for life

The number one factor affecting a couple’s chances of conceiving is the woman’s age, as the number of healthy eggs your ovary contains will dramatically decline as you age – especially once you are over 35.

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Healthy bones for everybody

In Australia there is currently 1 bone broken every 3.6 minutes due to poor bone health. That’s 395 broken bones per day.

By 2022 there will be 1 fracture every 2.9 minutes

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